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The Westgate School


The Westgate School's Career Programme

As part of our vision for the Personal Development Curriculum, we aim to equip students for life, preparing students for an increasingly changing workplace with a programme designed to build transferable skills and engage with a vast array of providers and employers. 

Objectives of the programme

  • To help students build, identify and apply key skills
  • To give students an understanding of potential careers
  • To help students identify appropriate career choices by matching their skills to job requirements

We will do this by

Overview of the careers programme

Key Skills

Employers are seeking a range of key life skills related to employability, which encompass both national and global perspectives. These sought-after skills include:

  • Communication 
  • Teamwork 
  • Valuing diversity and difference
  • Numeracy and IT skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Organisation

The impact of our programme on students is evaluated using a range of information, including:

  • Student feedback from their experiences
  • Gathering informal feedback from external partners and from parents
  • Compass reports
  • Student destination data post-16 and post-18
  • Case studies 

The CEIAG Policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the Careers Lead, overseen by the Senior Careers Lead, Headteacher and Governors.

Raising the Participation Age 

All young people are required to continue in education or training until their 18th Birthday. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Full-time in a school, college, T level with a training provider. 
  • Work or volunteer full-time, together with part-time education or training.
  • Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship to gain qualifications.

Click on the links to visit the websites below:

Some ongoing examples of careers activities and opportunities:

  • Workplace, University and College visits and regular online course specific programmes
  • Tutor time and timetabled careers activities and tasks
  • Extensive access to www.unifrog.org and www.medicmentor careers platforms for all students and parents
  • Subject-specific group employer engagement sessions
  • Independent guidance, careers interviews and action plans in Years 11 and 13
  • Updated online Labour Market resources, and visits to career fairs and FE/HE events
  • Business mentoring schemes and employer support
  • Strong Alumni support and guidance using LinkedIn for communication purposes
  • Work experience and business insight days 
  • Face to face and virtual career talks delivered by businesses from different sectors
  • Employer visits, and support with employability skills and attributes
  • CV/application writing skills and 1:1 mock interviews conducted by employers in Year 11
  • Weekly sharing of apprenticeship and T Levels/courses information, and support with applications and interviews
  • Group based ‘sector’ careers meetings and drop-in sessions

Who to contact

Careers Lead - Miss N Yates - NY@westgate.slough.sch.uk

Careers policy and programme will be updated annually.

  • Next date for planned update - December 2024 

Please find our Employer Engagement Sessions below: 

Employer Engagement Sessions 2023-24