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The Westgate School

Options 2024

You should consult widely to help you make informed choices – for example with Subject Teachers, Tutors and Directors of Learning. Parents also have an important role to play in advising students – after all they know you best of all!

Options prospectus

Options Booklet 2023-2024

At KS4 students have a compulsory curriculum of:

  • GCSE English Language and English Literature
  • GCSE Mathematics
  • GCSE Triple Science
  • Religious Studies and Citizenship
  • Core PE
  • Reading

Students will select three options through the different pathways outlined in our prospectus.

The courses we offer are:
  • GCSE Art and Design - Fine Art
  • GCSE Business Studies
  • GCSE Computer Science
  • BTEC Performing Arts with a Dance Approach
  • GCSE Design Technology (Timbers)
  • GCSE Drama
  • BTEC Digital Information Technology
  • GCSE French
  • GCSE Geography
  • GCSE History
  • BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care
  • GCSE Physical Education (PE)
  • GCSE Media
  • GCSE Music
  • BTEC Music Practise
  • BTEC Tech Award in Sport
  • GCSE Photography
  • GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • GCSE Spanish
  • GCSE Statistics
  • We also support and offer a range of GCSE Home languages

The Options Process

Our options process is designed to provide all Year 9 students and their parents/carers with key information, advice and guidance to make informed choices when selecting their GCSE/BTEC courses.

One parent/carer should join their Year 9 child to attend the options evening which will explain the Options Process and then to visit up to six 15 minute subject tasters to support this next step in their academic journey.