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The Westgate School

Outside Opportunities

Stay updated with the latest work experience, events and other enriching student opportunities for outside of school.

Youth Engagement Slough (YES) Opportunities

YES offers free weekly or monthly activities aimed towards young people aged 11 to 19. These sessions are hosted in community venues across Slough.

Check out their current events programme to see what YES has to offer!

Learn More & Apply Here

NHS - Entry Routes int0 Primary Care


Library Activities and Events Volunteer

What this role involves

  • Promoting the activity or event to adults, children and families.
  • Helping staff get ready for the activity or event and helping clear away afterwards.
  • Welcoming visitors to the activity or event and directing them to the event location.
  • Talking to customers about the activity or event, gathering feedback and promoting future activities or events.
  • Provide accurate information about the service and what is going on.

Applicants must be age 16 or over. Under 18s will require parental permission.

Apply Here

Data Science Work Experience

British Airways are delighted to have launched a free to use, virtual Data Science up-skilling programme for students interested in a Data Science career at British Airways - British Airways Data Science - Forage (theforage.com)

The programme has been designed to bring to life what their Data Science teams do on a daily basis; with real life projects and realistic work tasks, it's a fantastic way for you to gain insight and real experience in the world of Data Science.

Apply Here

 Youth Engagement Slough (YES): Young People's Steering Group

We are also looking for passionate Slough residents to take part in our Young People’s Steering Group! If you, or someone you know, is 11 to 25 and passionate about the community, come and join our YES Young People’s Steering Group! We meet on the first Thursday of every month at the YES Shop. Remaining 2024 dates are: November 7th and December 5th.

Apply Here