School Ethos and Values
Our school’s mission is to equip our young people for life in an ever-changing world, by challenging and nurturing each individual in and out of the classroom, to achieve their personal best.
We are passionate about our working with young people and making a difference to their lives. We are equally passionate about supporting each other, as professionals and individuals, in and out of school. We believe if it is a great place to work it will be a great place to learn and this is key to how we lead so that all thrive. Our emotional intelligence drives all we do to make a difference and cultivate relationships, with all our school community, to support and challenge each other to be the best we can be.
The Westgate School is a community built upon Respect. This is respect for others whether it be staff or students as well as self-respect. This respect allows us to develop the values, behaviours and attitudes that we feel are important for our students to possess if they are to be #equippedforlife. We aim to celebrate these values, behaviours and attitudes with our students and encourage them to develop them not only in and out of lessons but also beyond school in the community they live.

Our Curriculum Intent

The Head Teacher and senior leaders consistently reinforce the school’s very high expectations - OFSTED report 2014.