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The Westgate School


The Westgate School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students. This is supported in the most recent OFSTED report which said: “The approach to safeguarding is impressive, providing regular training for all staff in child protection and safeguarding procedures [and that] leaders are tenacious when liaising with external agencies to ensure the right and prompt support for vulnerable students.” 

The Safeguarding Team


Staff Member

Contact via email

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr. L. McKenna lim@westgate.slough.sch.uk
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Miss. J. Bader jba@westgate.slough.sch.uk
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Ms. A. Kent alk@westgate.slough.sch.uk
Safeguarding Governor Mrs. Z. Hamid zhamid@westgate.slough.sch.uk

The Safeguarding Team consists of the following members of staff and is displayed on posters throughout the school and all wear blue lanyards to be easily identified. These members of staff can be contacted on SafeguardingTeam@westgate.slough.sch.uk

If you feel a child is at risk of immediate harm, please contact the emergency services without delay.  If you would like to ‘Report a Concern’, please CLICK HERE.

If you have any concerns at all, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Leader, Liam McKenna, and/or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders, Jemma Bader, and Alison Kent, during term-time.

Supporting Safeguarding: Parents/Carers 

Advice to Parents and Carers on Keeping Children Safe from Abuse and Harm

Keeping Children Safe: NSPCC Support for Parents

Online Safety: NSPCC Learning

Safeguarding Documents

We will ensure all policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding children are up to date and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. The policies are accessible to all staff through the policies section of our school website. Policies and procedures are reviewed and revised by the Governing Board on a regular basis.

Operation Encompass

The Westgate School’s PREVENT self-assessment is available on request.  Please contact the Safeguarding Team should you require a copy.

All eligible staff and volunteers are required to undertake relevant safeguarding training, and this is regularly reviewed to ensure it is up to date. A training database for all staff and volunteers is maintained, while training needs are reviewed as part of individual performance reviews and more broadly throughout The Westgate School by audit.

The Westgate School has robust audit checklists and reviews to ensure that safeguarding systems and processes are working. The audit includes: the monitoring of the Single Central Record, the monitoring of policies and procedures including, ‘Low-Level Concerns’ and the monitoring of training for all employees and volunteers, guidance and support.