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The Westgate School

Report A Concern

Email Your Worries Here

1 Is there an issue you are facing that you need some help with?
2 Are you witnessing behaviour that makes you feel uneasy or concerned?
3 Do you notice signs of distress in someone you know?
4 Are you aware of situations where someone's rights are being violated?
5 Can your silence be preventing someone from getting the help they desperately need?
6 What if reporting a concern could potentially save someone from harm?
7 Are you willing to stand up against injustice and create a safer environment for al?

At The Westgate School, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our school community to protect the rights of everyone to be safe, treated kindly and with respect. We are committed to creating a supportive and respectful environment for everyone.

It is important that you tell someone if you are being bullied or have concerns about a friend or someone you know in our community. We strongly encourage you to reach out and share concerns with us by emailing worry@westgate.slough.sch.uk.

What is worry@westgate all about?

You can share your concerns without disclosing your identity. However, if you feel comfortable doing so, providing your contact details can assist us in offering more personalised support and guidance. We understand that it may not always be easy to talk about sensitive matters and if you prefer to report anonymously, we respect your decision. Your voice matters and we value your trust in confiding in us.

By using this system, you are helping make The Westgate School a much safer place. Thank you.

Are there any other ways to report a concern?

While we encourage the use of our reporting system, we also understand that some may prefer to seek help through other channels. Whether it's a teacher, pastoral coordinator, or any trusted staff member, please feel free to approach them. They will ensure that your concerns are listened to, appropriately addressed, and will help in any way then can.

Our dedicated Safeguarding Team is committed to addressing your concerns promptly and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken. The Safeguarding Team will take every single report seriously and will work together with students, parents, staff, and other professionals to support you and any other members of the school community.

If you have any concerns at all during term-time, please contact:

  • Designated Safeguarding Leader - Mr J Lodge | jlo@westgate.slough.sch.uk
  • Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leader - Miss J Bader | jba@westgate.slough.sch.uk
  • Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leader - Miss A Dennehy |  ade@westgate.slough.sch.uk

Please remember that this is not an emergency service. There will be a delay in dealing with any information submitted out of school hours, during the weekend and during school holidays. If you are in immediate danger, you must contact the emergency services on ‘999’.

If your concern is urgent, you should consider contacting:

Slough Children First Referral and Assessment Service 01753875362
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 01753690906 or 07927681858

We would like to think that students would come to us if they had a concern but understand that may not always be the case.

Some other useful contacts to offer additional help and support are:

Childline 08001111
NSPCC 080880050000

Your well-being is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to providing the resources and assistance you may need. If you require guidance on safeguarding topics or related issues, please visit the information pages on our website. These pages offer valuable advice and links to specialised websites and services that can provide further assistance.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community at The Westgate School. Together, we can foster an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to thrive.