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The Westgate School

6th Form Prospectus and Subject Requirements

Dive into our interactive prospectus to discover a comprehensive array of subjects that we offer in our Sixth Form. Whether you're passionate about sciences, humanities, arts, or any other field, you'll find detailed information to help you shape your academic journey. Explore, dream, and embark on a path of knowledge and growth with us. Your future starts here!

Please access the Sixth Form Prospectus 2025-2026 below:

Sixth Form Prospectus 2025-2026

Subject Requirements:

We require a minimum of five GCSEs at Grade 5 or above for Level 3 courses – which must include GCSE English Language and GCSE Maths – and then meet the requirement for the specific subject qualification chosen.

In addition, a GCSE total point score of at least 37 points for all students in your best 8 subjects.

  • For example: English Language (Grade 6), English Literature (Grade 6), Mathematics (Grade 5), Biology (Grade 6), Chemistry (Grade 5), Physics (Grade 5), PE (Grade 4), Religious Studies (Grade 5) would give a total points of 42 points based on the 'Best 8 subjects'.

Please see below for subject-specific entry requirements: Level 3: A-Level / BTEC and Diploma

Core and Sciences

Subjects Grades Required
Maths GCSE Mathematics (Grade 6)
AS Core Maths GCSE Mathematics (Grade 6)
English Literature GCSE English Literature (Grade 6) and GCSE English Language (Grade 5)

GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6) or

GCSE Biology (Grade 6) and GCSE Mathematics (Grade 6)


GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6) or

GCSE Chemistry (Grade 6) and GCSE Mathematics (Grade 6)


GCSE Combined Science (Grade 6-6) or

GCSE Physics (Grade 6) and GCSE Mathematics (Grade 6)

 All other A-Level Subjects

Subjects Grades Required
Fine Art GCSE Art (Grade 5) or Graphics (Grade 5)
Geography GCSE Geography (Grade 5)
History GCSE History (Grade 6)
Media GCSE English Language (Grade 5) or GCSE Media (Grade 5) or BTEC Media (Grade 2 Merit)
Psychology Minimum Sixth Form Entry Requirements MUST be met
Religious Studies GCSE Religious Studies (Grade 6)
Sociology Minimum Sixth Form Entry Requirements MUST be met
French GCSE French (Grade 6)

 BTEC and Diploma

Subjects Grades Required
BTEC Business

Minimum Sixth Form Entry Requirements MUST be met.

There is no requirement to have studied Business at Level 2.

BTEC Health and Social Care

GCSE English Language (Grade 5) or

BTEC Health and Social Care (Level 2 Merit)
BTEC Sport

GCSE Physical Education (Grade 5) or

BTEC Sport (Grade 2 Merit)
BTEC Performing Arts GCSE English Language (Grade 5) and performing experience is desired

How To Know Which Course To Take:

Choosing what to study after Year 11 is one of the most important decisions you will make.

Get it right, and your time in the Sixth Form will prepare you successfully for the next stage of your life-long learning journey. Students are encouraged to talk to their Form Tutors, subject teachers, Sixth Form Leadership Team and our Careers, Enterprise and Business Links Manager about their post-18 plans and are here to help you to consider the relevant courses that will enable you to access the best universities, apprenticeships and high-quality employment.

Our curriculum offers a broad range of courses and has been designed to give you the opportunity to choose wisely for your post-18 plans. With such a wide range of Key Stage 5 courses to choose from, selecting the most appropriate combinations to study can be difficult. Try to make this an informed decision by carefully researching the different courses and where those subject choices might lead.

Questions To Help You Decide:

Which subjects really interest you?

This is important because you will be studying them for the next two years, and you will need to be motivated to consistently deliver your best efforts.

Which subjects are you good at?

By choosing subjects you are naturally good at, you will increase your chances of success. This is crucial because being accepted to the top universities and securing the best employment opportunities is becoming increasingly competitive.

Which subjects are you qualified to study?

Identify whether you meet the course entry requirements by looking at each individual subject guide.

 Are there any subjects that you have not studied before which sound interesting e.g., Psychology and Criminology?

If so, carry out some further research into what each subject involves and where it might take you moving forward.

Which subjects fit well together?

Some combinations naturally work well together, for example, Maths and the Sciences, History and English Literature and Art, Drama and Photography. However, you may prefer a more broad and balanced choice of subjects to keep your options open. If you are unsure, ask for advice.

Do you have a career path in mind?

If so, research which qualifications you might need in the future and therefore what subjects you might need to study in the Sixth Form.

Is there a definite course or University that you would like to attend?

Research what subjects and grades you will need to study the course you have your heart set on.

Some of the more selective universities are quite specific about the subjects you need to study and therefore doing your research before undertaking A-Levels and Level 3 qualifications is essential. Look at university websites, www.ucas.com, speak with university admissions officers or The Westgate School’s Careers, Enterprise and Business Links Manager to find out. 

Do you wish to follow a different route?

Have you considered Higher-Level Apprenticeships? Do they have specific requirements to meet before applying? We have several tools at to assist you with this, including the Unifrog software as well as excellent career advice from both internal and external sources.

Students are encouraged to talk to their Form Tutors, subject teachers, Sixth Form Leadership Team and our Careers, Enterprise and Business Links Manager about their post-18 plans.