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The Westgate School

Personal Guidance

Both Gatsby and the Careers Strategy employ the term "career guidance" to encompass a spectrum of interventions aimed at assisting young individuals in decision-making and fostering their career outlook. This term encompasses all eight of Gatsby's Benchmarks. The eighth Benchmark specifically focuses on "personal guidance."

Personal guidance denotes the individualised interactions occurring between a careers adviser and a young person. Under Benchmark 8 of the Gatsby report, schools and colleges are mandated to offer young people access to personal guidance. This service should be provided by a careers adviser trained to at least level 6.

Typically, careers advisers are solely responsible for delivering personal guidance. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that they may also participate in implementing other Gatsby Benchmarks.

Personal guidance has a significant impact on individuals in various ways:

  • Personal Effectiveness: It helps improve aspects like self-awareness and self-esteem.
  • Career Readiness: It enhances skills like career planning and decision-making.
  • Educational Outcomes: It can contribute to better attendance and academic achievement.

Effective personal guidance involves:

  • Integration: It's part of a comprehensive career guidance program supported by school leadership and involving all staff.
  • Qualified Professionals: It's delivered by trained experts on a one-on-one basis, following the guidelines set by Gatsby.
  • Preparation and Follow-up: Students are prepared before sessions and supported afterward.

At the Westgate School, all personal guidance interviews are conducted by trained professionals from Learning to Work. Interviews take place in Year 11 and Year 12 of a student's journey at The Westgate School.