Sharpening Presentation Skills with AbbVie
Some of our Year 12 students visited the AbbVie Offices to spend some time with the AbbVie Team who were supporting them with their presentation skills. The session started with the team gifting our students a personalised sweatshirt sporting the logos of The Westgate School and Team AbbVie. The session followed on with a fun game of dingbats to break the ice!
After this, presentations were given by 2 members of the AbbVie Team, where our students were asked to be critical about the presentation styles using the WWW (what went well) and EBI (Even better if) reflection technique.
Our students were then asked to make notes on their future plans and what they have been doing to progress those plans, where they then had to present this information to the room. The AbbVie staff were great at encouraging the students and giving them tips on their presentation skills.
Before the return to school, the students were joined by the regional director of AbbVie, who gave an incredible insight into his journey to where he is now.