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The Westgate School

Modern Foreign Languages

Subject Exam Boards
GCSE Spanish AQA
GCSE Home Languages AQA/Edexcel
A-Level French AQA
A-Level Spanish AQA

In MFL at The Westgate School, we hold a passion for exposing our students to culture and language in an ever-changing world where students aspire to achieve their personal best and equipping them with skills which will nurture a lifelong love of foreign cultures and confidence in using other languages. By introducing our students to a broad and ambitious curriculum which kindles curiosity and promotes diversity and tolerance of other cultures, they will have a deepened ability to show respect and kindness and play a valuable part in our global society.

Over the course of their study our students are given the skills and knowledge to become confident and independent language learners and are given the opportunity to regularly revisit the language they learn to allow them to become strong communicators. We focus on developing their competences in listening, reading, speaking, translation and writing based on a sound foundation of core grammar, vocabulary and phonics using a wide variety of authentic sources.

Through the cultural events, clubs and trips that we organise and the range of curricular and cross-curricular class activities, we provide our students with the opportunity to communicate for practical purposes. We empower our students to understand and respond to French and Spanish speakers, both in speech and writing and are proud participants of the British Council’s ‘Modern Language Assistant Scheme’.

We are in partnership with Herschel Grammar School and together we host native French and Spanish Language Assistants on a yearly basis to help enrich classroom activities and bring fresh perspectives to language learning, helping to boost results and aid our students’ understanding on how to develop and justify points of view with increased spontaneity and accuracy.

Subject Pledge

Curriculum Overview


Key Stage 3

French & Spanish - Year 7 Overview


Key Stage 3

French & Spanish - Year 8 Overview

Key Stage 4

French - Year 9 Overview

French - Year 10 Overview

French - Year 11 Overview


Key Stage 3

Spanish - Year 8 Overview

Key Stage 4

Spanish - Year 9 Overview

Spanish - Year 10 Overview

Spanish - Year 11 Overview

For further information, please contact our Head of  Department

Mrs Siddiqui ~ NSI@westgate.slough.sch.uk

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. ~Frederico Fellini