Learning Agreement
We expect students to:
- Work co-operatively with staff in pursuit of a positive sixth form culture and act as an appropriate role model for students in Years 7 to 11
- Contribute fully to the ‘life’ of the school
- Respect the rights of others to learn in lessons and respect other people’s personal space and their belongings
- Attend punctually to all lessons, registration, assemblies & events
- Not take annual holidays during term time
- Bring in evidence to explain an absence
- Always come to lessons with the correct equipment
- Complete all work conscientiously and submit it by the deadline set
- Not smoke on site or bring in/use anything that is illegal or dangerous
- Not use a mobile phone in lessons, in corridors or on stairways
- Observe the requirements of the Sixth Form Dress Code
- Use the Sixth Form Study Centre, Common Room and other facilities appropriately
- Exercise common sense and self-control in all aspects relating to the health and safety of others
- Be sensible and safe in respect of use of the Internet and IT network
- Be respectful of local residents and the wider community
- Not drive to school and park in local streets
- Keep a sensible limit on the amount of time spent on part-time employment
We expect families to:
- Discuss the work and progress of our students on a regular basis
- Provide support as necessary and appropriate
- Attend all school events that concern your son/daughter’s progress
- Support the school with regards to its rules on attendance, homework, dress code etc
- Inform the school when your son/daughter is absent
- Not take family holidays during term time
- Encourage personal responsibility and learning independence
- Remind, where appropriate, your son/daughter of the need to limit the number of hours used for part-time employment
The Westgate Sixth Form will:
- Provide the teaching and assessment necessary for students to fulfil academic potential
- Set work regularly, mark and return it with details of how students can progress their learning
- Ensure appropriate work is provided if teachers are absent
- Ensure students and families know the progress being made at regular intervals
- Devise strategies to support students if satisfactory progress is not being made
- Provide support and guidance in relation to personal welfare
- Provide guidance about course options
- Provide support and guidance in relation to progression beyond the sixth form into Higher Education, work-based training or employment
- Provide opportunities for students to contribute to the life of the school
- Listen and respond appropriately to the student voice