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The Westgate School


Subject Exam Boards
GCSE Geography AQA
A-Level Geography AQA

We aim to create global citizens equipped to assess received opinion and make independent judgments. Pupils who are aware of the past, present, and future of the world around them. In geography they are investigating issues affecting the world and people’s lives, now and in the future. They are given the tools to make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world, at all different scales. Pupils learn where places are, and what they are like. They learn how the physical and human geography of a place shapes it and the people living and working there. 

Geography lessons focus on developing a knowledge rich student. Pupils should experience a curriculum that sequentially builds up deep understanding of topics. One in which knowledge is not merely encountered but comprehended and remembered. This is ensured through consistent application of retrieval practice principles and to ensuring that pupils are equipped with the language to engage with topics in a meaningful way. 

Throughout their time at The Westgate School students will be exposed to numerous cartographical resources and develop a strong understanding of how our world can be represented using physical maps and electronic Geographical Information Systems. They will come to understand how these can show both current physical features as well as helping us to understand their formation. Students will also investigate how we can show social, environmental, economic and demographic trends using cartography. 

Students develop an understanding of how the world has come to be as it is and how this impacts on current and future developments.

Subject Pledge

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3

Geography - Year 7 Overview

Geography - Year 8 Overview

Key Stage 4

Geography - Year 9 Overview

Geography - Year 10 Overview

Geography - Year 11 Overview

For further information, please contact our Head of  Department

Mrs Hillier ~ HGI@westgate.slough.sch.uk


Geography is the study of the world as a home for people ~Yi-Fu Tuan