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The Westgate School


Subject Exam Board
GCSE Drama Pearson

The aim of Performing Arts at The Westgate School is to provide all students with a wide range of experiences, skills and knowledge that prepares them to intellectually and creatively interact and succeed in our ever-changing world. We strive to instil a respect for traditions within the Arts and encourage exploration of innovation in performance and creative work.


Through the development of critical and analytical thought we aim to foster an enduring curiosity and passion, and nurture individual growth. An appreciation of creative expression aids to harness their virtuosic licence whilst cultivating their sense of self. 

Subject Pledge

Curriculum Overview

Ket Stage 3

Drama - Year 7 & 8 Overview

Key Stage 4

Drama - Year 9, 10 & 11 Overview

More Department Information

KS3 - Year 7 and 8

Year 7

The course is designed to introduce theatrical knowledge, skills and confidence. The students will follow a course which closely links into Westgate 6, with performance and written assessments at the end of each module. Our current units of study are:

  • Collaboration- developing vocal skills
  • Consequences-working on extracts from a script
  • Creativity- Superheroes- a devised unit to promote team work, creative thinking and self management
  • Discovery- exploring stories from a variety of cultures and the narrative form
  • Risk- Melodrama- studying theatre history and genre
  • Adaptability- from page to stage- students are responsible for staging their own mini- production

Year 8

The course is designed to further develop theatrical knowledge, skills and confidence. The students will follow a course which closely links into Westgate 6, with performance and written assessments at the end of each module. Our current units of study are:

  • Communication- learning about drama strategies and the theory behind characterisation through the script Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations and short pantomime scripts
  • Reflection- exploring devising skills based on a variety of stimulus on the theme teenage crime
  • Curiosity- a practical module based on the theories of theatre practitioners such as Stanislavski and an introduction to non-naturalistic drama.
  •  Competition- creating a performance of an extract from The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty using all the skills they have acquired throughout the year.

KS4 - Year 9

Year 9

Students work as an option group on a number of pre-GCSE modules. These include:

  • Crash- a devised unit exploring joyriding and its consequences
  • Mugged- a page to stage unit
  • Review- a unit studying design and realisation which culminates in a written review of a piece of theatre
  • DNA- a GCSE text explored through practical tasks based on a number of theatre practitioners

GCSE Drama - Year 10 and 11

Year 10 and 11 students are studying a new course, which is assessed by a practical performance of a text extract to an examiner, a devised performance (recorded on DVD) supported by a written portfolio and a final written exam.

Year 10

Throughout year 10 we will be consolidating a range of performance skills including the following:

  • Interpreting a text
  • The history of theatre and practitioner theory
  • Naturalistic acting
  • Ensemble work
  • Applying choreographed movement to devising
  • Offering variety in the voice
  • Developing characterisation through verbal and non-verbal communication

We will be developing text analysis skills through the reading of a variety of plays, including the set text- which will either be An Inspector Calls or The Crucible

Year 11

We will build on the skills acquired in y10 and move towards the final exams including:

  • Completion of the devising exam and portfolio,
  • Selection and rehearsal of text extracts for the performance exam
  • Revising the set text (An Inspector Calls) and exploring sections from an acting and design perspective
  • Making notes on a live theatre performance.
  • Completing sample questions under exam conditions.

For further information, please contact our Head of  Department

Mr Fazio ~ MFA@westgate.slough.sch.uk

You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play. ~Lin Manuel Miranda