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The Westgate School

Design & Food Technology

Subject Exam Boards
GCSE Design Technology Edexcel
GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA

In the Westgate School Design and Technology department, we encourage the pupils to think about the journey rather than the destination.  Whether this is the development of skills or designing a product.  It is important for the pupils to understand the time and effort needed to improve.

The Westgate School Design and Technology department is committed to giving each child the best experience possible, by developing innovative schemes of work that are delivered by enthusiastic teachers in safe and secure environment. 

Subject Pledge

Design Technology

Food Technology

Curriculum Overview - Design Technology

Design Technology

Key Stage 3

Design Technology - Year 7 Overview (Rocket Car)

Design Technology - Year 8 Overview (Floating Table)

Key Stage 4

Design Technology - Year 9 Overview (Timbers 3 Year)

Design Technology - Year 10 Overview (Timbers 3 Year)

Design Technology - Year 10 Overview (Timbers 2 Year)

Design Technology - Year 11 Overview (Timbers)


Food Technology

Key Stage 3

Food Technology - Year 7 & 8 Overview

Key Stage 4

Food Technology - Year 11 Overview


More Department Information


Pupils study Design & Technology until the end of year 9, they experience three different technology rotations each year (1 per term); Resistant Materials, CAD Design and Food & Nutrition. 

Year 7

Pupils are encouraged to develop a range of making skills, using a wide range of tools and equipment.  They are encouraged to work safely and accurately.  They experience a wide range of different materials and learn how to adapt their making skills to allow for the different properties of each material.  They will also experience a range of new and emerging technologies. 

Food: Pupils learn basic preparation skills and the importance of a healthy eating, including the importance of eating “5 a Day”. They learn personal and kitchen hygiene, food seasonality, hand washing, washing up and knife skills, etc. 

Year 8

The focus is very much Design-based. Pupils are encouraged to explore their creativity and to innovate. Pupils learn about the design process and develop their ability to communicate effectively using a range of different techniques, such as drawing and modelling.  They will experience a range of existing product through evaluation, where they will learn to effectively analyse products. 

Food: Pupils expand their knowledge about healthy eating and continue to develop their repertoire of food preparation skills. In addition to this, pupils learn how to plan menus considering the diverse requirements of today’s modern world. 

Year 9

Pupils are encouraged to apply all the previous learnt skills, knowledge, and creativity to successfully begin the transition from K.S.3 to K.S.4.  Through challenging design and make projects the pupils are encouraged to consider the environmental impact of the products they use and design. Also, they will consider the social and moral responsibilities of the designer. 

Food: Pupils develop their repertoire of food preparation skills to include an influence from around the world.  They will explore and create a range of dish from a variety of different cultures. 


OCR Nation Level 1&2 Design Engineering

Engineering Design will inspire and equip students with the confidence to use skills that are relevant to the sector and more widely. It covers the design process, types of drawings, influences on design, and the use of computer-aided design (CAD) in Engineering. 

Principles of engineering design

In this unit, students will learn about iterative design. They will about learn about the variety of considerations that can influence a design. 

Communicating designs

In this unit, students will learn how to develop their techniques in sketching and gain industrial skills in engineering drawing using standard conventions.  Future to this they will enhance their confidence and capabilities by using computer aided design (CAD), 2D and 3D software. 

Design, evaluation, and modelling

In this unit, students will learn how designers can quickly create and test models to develop a working prototype of a design. They will develop their virtual modelling skills using computer aided design (CAD) 3D software, to produce a high-quality model that will be able to simulate their design prototype. 

WJEC Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition, and healthy eating. It encourages learners to cook and enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now, and later in life. 

Principles of Food and Nutrition

In this unit there will be a written examination in the summer when you are in year 11. (40% of your final grade) 

Food and Nutrition in Action

In this unit you will need to complete two non-examination tasks (NEAs) which can be issued to you by your teacher towards the end of year 10 onwards.  

Assessment 1: A Food Investigation assessment worth 40 marks (20% of your final grade) 

Assessment 2: A Food Preparation assessment worth 80 marks. This includes a 3-hour practical session. (40% of your final grade) 


For further information, please contact our Head of  Department

Design Technology: Vacancy

Food Technology: Mrs Parsons ~ EPA@westgate.slough.sch.uk

It's through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good. ~ Paula Scher, graphic designer and painter