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The Westgate School

Reporting Student Absence

Senior Attendance Lead: Mr Crossingham (Deputy Head) | tjc@westgate.slough.sch.uk

Unplanned Absences

When a student is unwell and cannot attend school, the absence must be explained by the student’s parent or guardian. The most efficient form to communicate this is via School Gateway.

Alternatively absences can be reported on 01753 521320 or by email attendance@westgate.slough.sch.uk between 7:00am and 8.20am on the day of the absence with the following information:

  • Name of student - please speak clearly when leaving a message
  • Student’s Tutor group/Year group
  • Reason for absence
  • Expected date of return if known
  • Students are required to bring a note to their tutor on their first day back

Planned Absence 

If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent, a letter must be brought into school and given to reception, before the day that they are absent. If this is not possible, a note must be brought to their tutor on their first day back, giving the reason for their absence, the date(s) and the signature of the parent or person with parental responsibility.

Whilst absences due to routine appointments during the school day are discouraged, we appreciate that some medical appointments are unavoidable. If your child is going to arrive late or leave early due to a medical appointment, please notify us in advance and follow this up with a copy of the appointment letter or card. It is important that all absences are reported so that they can be recorded and authorised.

Please note that all students are expected to attend school for no less than 96% unless there are ongoing health issues. Excessive unexplained absence could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice issued by the Local Authority.