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The Westgate School

Business Studies

Subject Exam Boards
GCSE Business Studies OCR
A-Level Business Studies Pearson Edexcel

In the Westgate School Business Studies is a popular subject amongst our students due to the wide range of topics covered and the regular presence of business stories in the news. We strongly believe in our subject as being important, useful and fascinating - and want the students to share in that belief! We have excellent links with local industry, which helps us bring the subjects to life. 

The Westgate School the Business Studies department is committed to giving each child the best experience possible, by developing innovative schemes of work that are delivered by enthusiastic teachers in safe and secure environment. 

Subject Pledge

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 4

Business - Year 9 Overview

Business - Year 10 Overview

Business - Year 11 Overview

Key Stage 5

Business - Year 12 Overview

Business - Year 13 Overview

More Department Information

KS4 Business

OCR GCSE Business 

GCSE Business Students will equips students with the skills and confidence to explore how different business situations affect decision-making. They develop their understanding of concepts, objectives and terminology, and the impact of contemporary issues on business operations. 

Business 01: Business activity, marketing, and people 

Students are introduced to business concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. They explore the purpose and role of a business from spotting an opportunity through to the growth of an established business. They also look at the role of marketing and human resources. 

Business 02: Operations, finance and influences on business. 

Students take a closer look at the role of operations and finance in business activity. Operations include production processes, quality of goods and services, customer service, and working with suppliers. Finance covers its role, its sources, costs, profit and loss, cash and cash flow. 

They also explore how business responds to external influences, such as ethical and environmental considerations, the economic climate and globalisation, and the interdependent nature of business. 

KS5 Business

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate 

This course provides candidates with a critical understanding of the following: 

• Business ownership, organisation, and the impact of its external environment 

• Management of human, physical and technological resources, sources of finance and interpretation of financial statements 

• The role of marketing in organisations, marketing research and planning, how and why customer groups are targeted and developing a marketing mix 

• Business information, constraints in the use of information and how to communicate business information 

• Finance for life and work, understanding the constraints and possibilities we face in life both as a worker and a consumer 

• Purpose of accounting, cash flow forecasting, preparing profit and loss accounts and balance sheets, using ratio analysis 

• The importance of team and team development, leadership skills and attributes and working effectively in teams 

• Recruitment planning, legal requirements, documentation for recruitment, interviewing 

• Role of an event organiser, planning an event, run a business event, follow up after an event 

• Determine production costs and calculating prices, break even analysis, use data to predict performance, use budgetary techniques 

• Present a business idea, skills and development needed to run a business, legal and financial aspects, produce a business proposal 


Head Of Department

Mrs Khan ~ ZK@westgate.slough.sch.uk

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs ~Farrah Gray